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Computerware has been serving the Vienna area since 1976, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Basics of Cloud Computing for Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computing_for_your_business_400.jpgThe cloud is changing the way that businesses handle their data, but at times it can be a lot of information to take in. The way cloud computing is marketed makes it sound far more confusing than it really is. We know it can be convoluted at times, but our primary goal here is to show you how big of a game-changer the cloud really is.

When a business switches to cloud computing, part of their current IT infrastructure is taken from the physical world and placed in a secure online cloud. This can mean virtualizing your servers, eliminating the energy and maintenance costs of the units themselves, or simply storing excessive amounts of data where prying eyes can’t access it. Here are three of the most popular models of cloud computing:

  • The Private Cloud: A business taking advantage of a private cloud uses their own technology and equipment to integrate cloud computing. While companies who maintain their own private cloud have more control over their data, they are also responsible for their own security and maintenances. Therefore, it’s not ideal for the more hands-off business, or startups who don’t have the capital or time to invest in the maintenance.
  • The Public Cloud: The public cloud lets businesses migrate their IT infrastructure to a previously established public cloud service. Businesses who do this don’t have to worry about maintaining the security or integrity of their cloud. These are ideal for smaller businesses who might want to save time and money. Since public clouds are just like any other subscription service, you can potentially pay more for a service than what it’s actually worth, making it a risky endeavor. A thorough assessment of your IT needs should reveal whether or not the public cloud is right for your business.
  • The Hybrid Cloud: For those who can’t make up their mind between the public and the private cloud, a hybrid cloud solution is ideal. It pulls aspects from both the public and the private cloud, which opens new possibilities for a business’s IT infrastructure. The hybrid cloud allows businesses to store their data in a secure location without worrying about external security threats, while still allowing them to apply external resources toward running mission-critical applications. Many small and medium-sized businesses find a hybrid cloud an adequate choice for their computing model.

As seen by these different solutions, the same cloud computing method isn’t ideal for all businesses. This is one of the main reasons why some companies have difficulty taking advantage of the cloud. Naturally, you want to do some research into the unique needs of your business before committing to any particular cloud solution. Otherwise, you may end up paying for a solution which doesn’t help your business reach its full potential.

At Computerware, our primary goal is using our managed IT services to help your business be the best it can be. If you’re too busy to concentrate on important IT matters, we can migrate your IT infrastructure to whatever cloud your business needs, and we can even handle the maintenance and management, too. This can free up space and lower utility bills in the office. Depending on what you need from the cloud, you can virtualize your servers or desktops, and supplement your data storage.

The cloud can be a valuable asset for a modern business which is always looking to save time and streamline operations. Computerware can help you find the right cloud solution for your needs. Give us a call at (703) 821-8200 to find out how the cloud can benefit your business.

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