Phone Systems | Voice over IP Products
Take control of your calls and build your bottom line with better customer service and smaller phone bills. Regardless of the size of your business, you should not have to compromise on your communication needs.
Voice Over IP Services
Thinking about a new Phone System? Let us share with you the benefits of VoIP, and introduce you to features such as Unified Messaging where all of your voicemails are forwarded to your email for the ability to retrieve and forward messages to and from anywhere to anyone. Or Find Me, Follow Me, where your calls can ring at your office, then your cell phone, then your home office or hotel room while traveling always maintaining the appearance that you are available to your clients.
Maximum Accessibility
One of our clients favorite features is the ability to record phone calls and conferences, then email them to individuals that could not attend. There are laptop agents we can install which allow you to place and receive calls directly from your Internet-connected laptop or PC, anywhere in the world. Imagine the ability to receive a call on your laptop that was dialed to your office extension! Allworx is a multi-award winning phone system for small to medium sized businesses just like yours. Buy the system TODAY and migrate from your costly phone system at your own pace!

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SIP Trunking
SIP or Session Initiated Protocol is the dominant industry protocol for setting up phone calls across the internet. The SIP standard was started back in 1996. Today, this is the most cost effective way to deliver phone calls. We partner with nexVortex to bring commercial grade Voice Over IP SIP trunks to our clients.
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