With mobile devices playing a crucial role in modern business it’s extremely important to have a clear plan for managing them. Unfortunately, this isn’t so cut and dry. Today, we’ll explore the differences between two of the most popular mobile management strategies: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE).
Computerware Blog
Never underestimate the power of a comfortable workspace, as it can bring about improvements to productivity and employee satisfaction that can directly influence how profitable your business is. Since so many employees are still working remotely, we thought we would cover some ways employees can make the home office feel more comfortable.
Bring Your Own Device has a lot of benefits for businesses, chief among them being giving your users the opportunity to use their own devices for work rather than those provided to them. More often than not, they will benefit from easy-to-use apps on their preferred devices, allowing them to get more done throughout the workday. When you implement BYOD, though, there are various concepts that you have to consider in order to ensure productivity, flexibility, security, and profitability.
Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, continues to grow into one of the most accepted practices within an organization. Yet, one major problem has always plagued BYOD in the form of security. Thankfully, with the help of mobile device management, businesses are able to minimize this risk while leveraging the benefits that BYOD offers.
Businesses today are trying to cut costs whenever it’s feasible, and technology has allowed for incredible innovations in this regard. Organizations have the capabilities to eliminate unnecessary hardware, clear out office space, and potentially eradicate clutter associated with paper documents.
The Benefits of Going Paperless
Your organization can save countless dollars by cutting down the office’s paper consumption. Here are four ways that your business can benefit from going paperless:
- Cost savings: One of the most significant benefits of going paperless is saving money. When was the last time you checked how much you spend on paper, ink, and toner, annually? By eliminating the majority of printing, you’ll spend less on materials, and therefore, increase your bottom line and free up funds that can be better spent elsewhere.
- Clutter and wasted space: How many filing cabinets do you have in your office? They’re huge, bulky, and unwieldy, making them difficult to move. By keeping paper clutter to a minimum, you can eliminate the need for filing cabinets. Plus, when you get rid of your filing cabinets in favor of digital storage, moving your office to a new location is much easier.
- Searchable file archiving: When your files are stored digitally, you can search through them easily, just like you would search a computer for a specific file. This means that, instead of digging through a filing cabinet for a specific document, you can just type the terms into a search bar and find it in the blink of an eye.
- File backup: When you use an electronic record storage system to manage your documents, you can back them up the same way that you would back up your other types of data. Files that are stored digitally in the cloud are less susceptible to falling victim to unexpected natural disasters and power outages.
How it Helps the Environment
According to PaperlessProductivity, one tree produces, on average, 17 reams of paper. This same tree takes at least 100 years to grow. This means that all of the businesses in the world combined, not to mention the average consumer, vastly exceeds the rate at which paper can be produced. Considering the amount of paper used by other institutions, like governments and universities, there’s a serious environmental problem that needs to be addressed. Thankfully, if every business does their part and reduces their overall paper consumption, they can make a difference. It might not be immediately noticeable for the environment, but your budget will certainly show an improvement.
What We Can Do
Does your business desire the opportunity to remove paper waste and printing costs from your budget? If so, Computerware has a solution. Our electronic record storage and cloud computing solutions can help you remove paper documents from your physical workplace, and store them in a compliant, digital space. This can help you keep your sensitive documentation safe and secure, and you’ll enjoy the ease of navigation that digital documentation can provide.
Furthermore, we can provide your organization with a replacement to your outdated fax machine. With a fax server solution, we can transform your business’s faxes into emails that go directly to your inbox. To learn more, give us a call at (703) 821-8200.