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Computerware Blog

Computerware has been serving the Vienna area since 1976, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Are the Apps You Get From the App Stores Secure?

Are the Apps You Get From the App Stores Secure?

The smartphone app ecosystems today are extraordinarily vast. The Google Play store has over 3.5 million apps available, while the Apple App store has over 1.6 million apps. The question becomes, with so many different applications available on these platforms, how can you be so sure that the apps you are downloading to your mobile device are secure? Let’s take a look at mobile app store security and why it’s become more than just a security issue. 

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Don’t Let Online Banking Leave Your Data Vulnerable

Don’t Let Online Banking Leave Your Data Vulnerable

In today’s financially motivated world, financial technology - AKA “fintech” - has allowed people to manage their finances without stepping into a bank. In fact, a Bank of America study found that 62 percent of people now use digital banking. Therefore, it seems prudent to share a few ways to keep yourself safe while using these kinds of mobile apps.

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Using Smartphones to Be More Productive

Using Smartphones to Be More Productive

The smartphone is the defining invention of our time, and as a result, it has to be used for more than gaming, social media, and messaging. The smartphone is a great device to supplement your productivity efforts while you are on the go. Since these devices can do more than they ever have, more can be done by using mobile apps designed specifically to increase interdepartmental collaboration and business-to-client communications. 

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Technology is a Key Ingredient for Food Delivery Services

Technology is a Key Ingredient for Food Delivery Services

Have you ever considered how much technology has made the world smaller? For example, think about how much easier technology has made it to access goods and services via the Internet. Entire industries have developed thanks to this technology. One notable example: app-based food delivery.

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Google Play Works to Reduce Ad-Fraud

Google Play Works to Reduce Ad-Fraud

What’s a smartphone without some apps to download to it? With millions of apps to choose from, developers might often have less-than-virtuous motives that put their users at risk for their own benefit. Recently, Google has removed 22 apps from the Google Play Store that were found to contain automated click-fraud scripts. We’ll delve into what these developers were up to with these fraudulent applications, as well as how they would affect the two-million users that downloaded them.

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Tip of the Week: Google Chrome Extensions for Google Drive

Tip of the Week: Google Chrome Extensions for Google Drive

Google Drive lets its users take advantage of a lot of great tools and utilities, and this is only augmented by Google Chrome’s extensions. With these tools at your disposal, you can optimize the way your company takes advantage of Google Drive. Here are some of the best extensions out there that let you utilize Google Drive’s best assets to your advantage.

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Tip of the Week: Free App Lets You Schedule Your Phone’s Volume Level

Tip of the Week: Free App Lets You Schedule Your Phone’s Volume Level

Your cell phone rings while you’re in the middle of a meeting. Do you answer it? Regardless of if you do or not, the fact remains that it’s embarrassing and that it shouldn’t be happening in the first place. Thankfully, for Android users, you can turn your phone’s volume up or down by scheduling it.

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3 Automation Apps to Make You a Master Multitasker

3 Automation Apps to Make You a Master Multitasker

Multitasking is no easy thing for a human being to do, no matter what anyone says--our brains simply are not wired to focus on more than one task at a time. To resolve this dilemma, there are apps that will automatically carry out an action if triggered by a user completing some other action. These are called automation apps, and they are becoming extraordinarily useful in today’s dynamic workplace.

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A Classic Example of Why You Should Only Allow Trusted Apps to Access Your Data

A Classic Example of Why You Should Only Allow Trusted Apps to Access Your Data

If your employees are given an Android device to use for work, or if they bring in their own as a part of a Bring Your Own Device strategy, you may want to pay special attention to what follows.

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How Sharing Your Netflix Password Could Potentially Land You in the Slammer

How Sharing Your Netflix Password Could Potentially Land You in the Slammer

As a side effect of a recent federal ruling, loaning out your Netflix password to your pal so they can catch up on Orange is the New Black is now considered a federal offense.

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Tip of the Week: Settle Music Debates Quickly With These 3 Song-Identifying Apps

Sometimes you might hear a song on the radio that you want to look up later, but there’s one problem: you don’t know the song’s name or the artist. Thankfully, there are music apps for your smartphone that can identify these unknown songs.

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Tip of the Week: How to Find Out if an Email Address is Valid

Have you ever spent time writing an email to somebody that you haven’t emailed before, hit send, and then wondered if the email address is even valid? For the active email user, this is an all-too-common scenario. How can you know for sure if an email address is valid before sinking time into writing a message?

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6 Apps to Help You Know What Your Competition is Up To

Have you ever wondered how your competitors are doing but haven't gotten up the nerve to ask them yourself? With these six apps, you’ll be able to keep track of what other people are saying about your competitors, as well as what they are saying about you.

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3 Useful Mobile Apps To Take Your Business on the Go

The world is changing as technology grows ever more mobile. Cell phones have gone from bulky, large pieces of hardware to smaller, more compact specimens. Fifteen years ago, if you were to tell someone that your cell phone could connect to the Internet, you would quickly be dismissed. If you look past the surface laden with Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends game requests, you can get to the heart of what smartphones have revolutionized – the way we communicate with others.

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3 Useful Mobile Apps To Take Your Business on the Go

The world is changing as technology grows ever more mobile. Cell phones have gone from bulky, large pieces of hardware to smaller, more compact specimens. Fifteen years ago, if you were to tell someone that your cell phone could connect to the Internet, you would quickly be dismissed. If you look past the surface laden with Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends game requests, you can get to the heart of what smartphones have revolutionized – the way we communicate with others.

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4 Xbox One Features for Your Business. Wait. What?

In a recent marketing ploy by Microsoft that is nothing short of genius, the new Xbox One is pitched as a tool that can help your business. The beauty of this strategy is that it allows for businesses to write off the $499 Xbox One as a business expense. Here are four new Xbox One features that allow for this clever budgeting move.

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Clean up Your Online Profile with DeleteMe

It can be unsettling to know that there is a detailed profile about yourself floating around the internet. Your online profile can be shockingly thorough and is constantly being exchanged by internet data collecting companies for various purposes. If you are uncomfortable with this scenario, then let us recommend an app called DeleteMe that will cover your internet tracks.

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Computerware is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...

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