Computerware Blog
4 Xbox One Features for Your Business. Wait. What?
With Video conferencing capability on the Xbox One, you can do more than just go over strategies with your team before switching over to a game of Call of Duty; Skype for the Xbox One can also be used for business meetings! Your business partner on the other screen doesn't have to know they are communicating to you through a gaming console, but you never know, they too might be using an Xbox One. If this is the case, then after business talk is over, you can both pick up a controller and take care of the business of zombie killing.
The main angle Microsoft is working with pitching the Xbox One as a business tool is that it's great for presentations. Microsoft doesn't have to twist our arm to convince us to place an Xbox next to the projector. With Xbox One's new SkyDrive capability, you can easily take your presentation made on your PC, move it to SkyDrive, pull it up on your Xbox One SkyDrive app, and then use Internet Explorer running Web Apps to wow your audience with your dynamic presentation. In the event that you give a dud-of-a-presentation, you can then win back your audience with a Kinect dance game.
Web Apps
As more business apps are being moved over to the cloud, it's becoming more natural to do business on devices not traditionally used for business, like the Xbox One. A business that's already taking advantage of Microsoft Web Apps will get the most use out of the new Xbox One, perhaps even as much for business as play. The Xbox One is not yet released so we don't know the full extent of what kind of business apps will be available for it, but Microsoft is promising customized Xbox One apps built specifically for business. One can only hope that motion controls and earning achievement points will be included with these new business apps.
Wi-Fi Direct
Xbox One's new Wi-Fi Direct is another feature that can be used to enhance your presentation; although, the Wi-Fi Direct feature may not be the most convenient way to present. Microsoft explains how it works, "Send your presentation to the TV, use Smartglass to navigate through the PowerPoint presentation, use your tablet to control Internet Explorer." As cool as it would be to use a smart glass to navigate your presentation with Wi-Fi Direct, most users will opt to go the classic route and use a wireless mouse and keyboard.
To write off the new Xbox One as a business expense, put in your pre-order, and after your transaction has been processed, print off this article, staple it to the receipt, and turn it into accounting with a smile. You can then credit Computerware for breaking you the good news and giving you an excuse to write off the new Xbox One! We will be sure to report back to you if we find a way for you to write off games--team building perhaps?