Computerware Blog
The Internet of Things Could Cause More Harm Than Good
According to the Gartner IT Glossary, the Internet of Things is "the network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to communicate and sense or interact with their internal states or the external environment." In English, this means that any device that has an Internet connection is a part of the Internet of things - and that list grows every single day.
The Washington D.C.-based Pew Research Center has organized surveys for the past ten years which target technical experts worldwide for their thoughts, concerns, and comments on the future of everyone's favorite time-waster. Their results show that the Internet's golden age has passed - reviews are no longer generally positive, and the continued integration has become a cause for concern amongst the professional environment.
Don't let this negative image fool you, though. While some experts would argue that the Internet and technology has fallen from grace and allowed for horrible things, there have been spectacular breakthroughs in particular aspects of technology advancement. Among these are computers that respond to voice, medical devices that can monitor and treat deadly diseases, and environmental pollution-detecting scanners. Unfortunately, these advances aren't enough to dispel the concern for the overall security of a technology-filled life.
How Secure Can a Technologically-Advanced Home Be?
Recently, Computerware published a blog article that takes these concerns to heart. There was some publicity of an Ohio family who was the target of a baby monitor hacking attack. Not only was it disturbing for the family, but it was a shocking eye-opener that shows the risks we all take when connecting anything to the Internet. "Most of the devices exposed to the Internet will be vulnerable," says Jerry Michalski, founder of the think tank REX. "They will be prone to unintended consequences: they will do things nobody designed for beforehand, most of which will be undesirable."
How Many People Will Be Left Behind?
Similar to the problem that some people are having with the current technical transition, some are bound to be left behind and forgotten by the Internet of Things. Children are growing up with the current technology and might know more about it than their own parents do - a problem that might hinder the older generation in years to come, when the Internet of Things takes over.
The problem isn't just that, though - it's also a matter or price. How many potential investors will be lost because they simply can't afford the latest IoT technology? The previously-mentioned environmental sensors wouldn't be available to the countries that need it the most, and the severely-sick might not be able to afford expensive treatments that could potentially save their lives.
Maybe It's Just a Fad?
Sure, the Internet of Things might be the next big thing, but it also might just be a ticket aboard the Hype Train, or rather, something that everyone obsesses over when it's really not that big of a deal. Some professionals feel that the Internet of Things will only really help niche applications, or things that have a specific use for a specific audience, like prisons, hospitals, or the military - but some fans simply never want to give it up.
Perhaps the smartphone is the best example of this. When the first smartphone was released, it was the next big hit, and everyone thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Now, everyone has one, and it's simply not a big deal anymore. The world's reaction to the Internet of Things might be a very similar one.
Will the Internet of Things bring about catastrophe, or will it be the defining aspect of the next generation? Who can say? But either way, why would you want to wait for the Internet of Things to arrive when you can take advantage of the latest technology now?
Computerware can make a productivity-filled future for your business a reality, and we can also provide you with strong Internet security options that will keep you safe while taking advantage of your new tech. All you need to do is contact us at (703) 821-8200, and we will be there to take care of all of your technical needs and concerns.