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Meet Robin, Google’s Answer to Siri
Siri is exclusively made by Apple, smartphone users that do not use the iPhone may feel a little left out not having their own virtual assistant. Until now:
USER: Siri, what app for the Android smartphone sounds similiar to you, and will perform all the same functions as you?
SIRI: I do not understand. Let me check on that.
The correct answer is Robin. Robin got her start providing turn-by-turn navigation for Android users. Robin has recently gone through several upgrades. She can now give Siri-level advice and is compatible to work with several smartphone applications. Robin is also very customizable and has several features that can be tweaked to your personal likings.
Robin is not just voice activated, but can detect your motions as well. This comes in great when you are driving. Just wave your hand over your phone and Robin will be ready to take your command. Although, do not be surprised if the person in the car next to you waves back. Robin also has a wide vocabulary; she knows enough words that you can talk to her normally. This gives Robin a clear advantage over other voice-activated apps with limited vocabularies, which can be ra-ther frust-trate-ing.
Robin is great at multi-tasking. She is entirely voice activated to handle many different tasks like: sending text messages, reading you the news, dialing phone numbers, updating your social media, setting reminders; Robin even has a wicked sense of humor and can tell a tasteful joke on command. This is just a sample of Robin's many features; she is also a cheap date, being a free app and all.
Look for the competition between Robin and Siri to heat up as more devices become equipped with voice-activation features. You can try out Robin for yourself at the Google Play store. Share with us in the comments your opinion on how you think she compares to Siri.