Computerware Blog
4 Ways that Terminal Services Can Improve Your Network
Officially, Windows renamed Terminal Services with its Windows Server 2008 R2 offering to Remote Desktop Services, but technicians around the world still commonly refer to it as Terminal Services. Since its debut in 1996 with Windows NT, we have seen a major increase in Terminal Services capabilities thanks to improvements with computer network hardware. Back in the 90's, computer networks ran at speeds of 10 Mbps, which is barely enough resources to run multiple programs.
Today, network hardware has advanced to the point where servers can easily run and deliver multiple operating systems. These hardware advancements allow for Terminal Services to increase the productivity of your network by giving businesses more computing options; here are four ways that Terminal Services can improve your network.
Let the Servers Do the Work
Terminal Services is what gives servers the ability to run applications for workstations. This essentially lets servers handle the brunt of the workload and turn your desktop into a terminal for the server. By letting the servers do the heavy lifting, you can extend the life of your PCs, which is great for your budget since new computers are a major expense. Eventually, you will have to buy a new computer. When computer shopping day comes around, Terminal Services will save you money by letting you buy basic PCs. Also, having your new PC take advantage of the server's settings means that installing everything will be a cinch.
Minimize Configurations to Improve Performance
Terminal Services has a handy feature that will allow you to adjust the configurations of every desktop on your network to minimal settings. Unless your office doubles as a PC gaming center, you likely do not need to give every workstation high-performance graphics just to use Microsoft Office. With your servers configured to processes only the data necessary to get work done, you should see an increase in network performance because less work will be asked of your servers. Using Terminal Services to minimally configure servers is also a great way make room for growth.
One Application to Rule Them All
One of the best features of Terminal Services is the ability to install one copy of an application on the server for all of your workstations. This feature makes tasks like software updates and installing security patches much easier because you only have to do it once on the server, instead of one time for every workstation.
A Substitute for Your Desktop Management Software
In many cases, it is possible to replace your desktop management software with a Terminal Services environment. One advantage to this is cutting back on licensing fees charged with desktop software. Not every software has this capability, if you would like to know if this possible with your system, then contact the computer pros at Computerware and we will take a look at your software and let you know what can be switched over.
Your company may already be running Terminal Services on your network and not even realize it; this is likely the case if you are using servers and workstations. Computerware can adjust the Terminal Services settings to maximize your networks productivity.
Another scenario might be that you are small business that is growing, maybe you have a couple of PCs and have not yet invested in a computer network. Computerware can hook you up with servers, workstations, Terminal Services, and everything else that you need to get your business where it needs to be. Call Computerware at (703) 821-8200 and let us setup your network correctly with your specific needs in mind!