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3 Levels of Content Filtering With UTM
A Unified Threat Management (UTM) tool is a powerful network device that is built to be the ultimate security solution for business. UTM is great for protecting your entire network from the latest and worst threats on the Internet, and it also makes for a strong content filter. With UTM securing your network, you will be able to block the bad people on the web from accessing your website, and control what websites your employees visit. Here are the different levels of filtering you can perform with a content filter.
Filter by Country
If there is an entire nation that you deem to be a threat to your company, or maybe you simply don't trust a certain country or region, you can use your UTM to make sure nobody from this country can view your website. Maybe your business has a strong regional focus and you think it's unnecessary to broadcast your message around the globe, or maybe you don't like the way Portugal looks on the map.
There are also countries that do not have strict copyright laws and are known for ripping off content from websites, and cyber-terrorism is becoming more popular as countries at war with each other take the battle to the Internet by targeting private websites. You can manage this risk by totally blocking an entire country.
Filter Specific IP Addresses
Let's say you have the threat to your website narrowed down to one IP address. You can use your UTM to block it. This comes in handy when you see your comment section is being spammed, or maybe you can see from your website's analytics that your competitor is spending more time on your website then you feel comfortable with. With UTM, you don't have to put up with any visitors on your website that have malicious intentions; you can easily block the bad guys by adjusting the settings.
Filter Unproductive Websites
With UTM, you can also filter the websites your employees visit. UTM does this by providing your business with a strong firewall, filtering both incoming and outgoing Internet and intranet traffic according to your preferences. One way content filtering can help your business is by making your employees more productive; this is done by denying them access to time-wasting websites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or any other website you think is losing you money.
UTM will also give you the option to blocked certain users from certain websites. This way, the responsible employees can enjoy all the cat videos the Internet has to offer, but other employees that cannot handle this freedom will be blocked from these sites. UTM is also a great way to block users on your network from visiting websites that are known security threats.
There are millions of different threats on the Internet. UTM is a convenient security solution that will protect every computer on your network from the millions of threats on the web. With one UTM tool installed on your IT infrastructure, you can take control of your network traffic and protect your computers, all while increasing productivity! There are many more ways a UTM can protect your business, call Computerware at (703) 821-8200 to learn more!