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Computerware Blog

Computerware has been serving the Vienna area since 1976, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Cybersecurity Gaffes You Are Probably Making Right Now

Cybersecurity Gaffes You Are Probably Making Right Now

Cybercrime is a major issue for everyone and especially for businesses. In fact, if you don’t have a solid handle on the actions you take, your IT may be more exposed than you think. This month we thought we would go through a few really simple actions you can take to enhance your security posture.

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Passwords May Be on the Way Out

Passwords May Be on the Way Out

Have you ever heard of the concept of going passwordless? Considering how passwords have been central to data security and authentication for so long, you might be a little hesitant about the idea. However, data show that there are better options out there. Here are some of the better passwordless options your organization can implement.

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Why a Password Manager is a Must-Have

Why a Password Manager is a Must-Have

Businesses and their employees ultimately need a lot of different online accounts, which means there are a lot of passwords that need to be sorted. To assist with this, many have turned to using password managers—applications that store passwords in an encrypted vault. There are a lot of reasons that these password managers are a popular choice. Let’s go over a few of them.

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Multi-Factor Authentication Needs to Become the Gold Standard

Multi-Factor Authentication Needs to Become the Gold Standard

It’s no secret that passwords have long held center stage when it comes to data security, but if we’re to be honest, a password just isn’t sufficient to protect your business. Don’t get us wrong: passwords remain immensely important, but their role has diminished with the availability of other, more advanced security features. One of these features is something called multi-factor authentication.

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Implement a Password Management Solution Today!

Implement a Password Management Solution Today!

With so many accounts required on an everyday basis, it’s no surprise that people often struggle with passwords and password security. One way that individuals try to manage the countless passwords used on a daily basis while keeping them secure is through the use of password managers. What does a password manager do, and why should you consider implementing one for your business?

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Passwords Still Give Small Businesses Trouble, Says LastPass Report

Passwords Still Give Small Businesses Trouble, Says LastPass Report

In today’s business environment, where ransomware strikes just as often as just about any other threat out there, you need to take as many precautions as possible so that your organization does not become another victim or statistic. All it takes is looking at reports from various security firms to understand just how important even the most basic of security measures—the password—is toward keeping businesses safe.

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Choosing a Password Manager Can Help Keep Your Business Secure

Choosing a Password Manager Can Help Keep Your Business Secure

Do you use different passwords on every account you’ve created? Are these passwords sufficiently complex? Chances are at some point you have repeated at least one password. Remembering 35 different logins for 35 different applications is hard enough, so it’s not surprising that the majority of people will use the same password for many applications. Bad password practices are all too common. So, how can you fix this?

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Tip of the Week: How to Generate Strong Passwords That You Can Actually Remember

Tip of the Week: How to Generate Strong Passwords That You Can Actually Remember

Passwords are effectively the cornerstone of your business’ data security—if they aren’t up to muster, your protections could crumble. Unfortunately, many users shortchange their passwords to try to make them more convenient, also making them more convenient for cybercriminals. Let’s see how we could (and should) make passwords as effective as possible.

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Two Lessons Businesses Can Learn from the Spotify Data Discovery

Two Lessons Businesses Can Learn from the Spotify Data Discovery

Every so often, we come across a bit of news that helps to teach not one, but two cybersecurity best practices at the same time. With the recent news of a cache of hacked Spotify accounts, we find just such an opportunity. Let’s review the two lessons to be learned.

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Harden Your Security with a 2FA Authentication App

Harden Your Security with a 2FA Authentication App

Weak passwords are a huge problem, one that almost everyone is guilty of. Even if you think of yourself as being a diligent, security-minded person, you probably have at least one or two passwords that are common words, followed by a digit or two, followed by an exclamation point.

I’d be willing to bet that the digits in your password represent either your birthday, your anniversary, or your favorite football player’s jersey. With a little time, anyone could gain access to your account. That’s where two-factor authentication comes in.

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Improving Organizational Cybersecurity

Improving Organizational Cybersecurity

The nature of many of today’s businesses is building one product over and over and over. When you have that level of repetitiveness, it helps people find their niche, yes, but it can also result in the attention given to the task to suffer. While a disengaged employee is nothing new, they can cause some operational problems. By and large, a couple of staff hiccups won’t have a huge impact on your business, unless that lack of engagement impacts your cybersecurity. That’s because there are some threats out there that could absolutely cripple your business’ ability to sustain operations. Today, we’ll talk about how to get your staff to care about malware, hackers, and the like. 

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Start Off 2020 by Auditing Your Online Accounts and Passwords

Start Off 2020 by Auditing Your Online Accounts and Passwords

Let’s take a look at a real-world scenario that I ran into a few weeks ago with a family friend. For the sake of this story, let’s call him Bob. Bob lost access to a pretty important online account.

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How Google is Trying to Make Passwords Easier and Better

How Google is Trying to Make Passwords Easier and Better

Common opinion more or less states that passwords aren’t so much “necessary,” as they are a “necessary evil.” The best practices that are recommended to maintain the efficacy of passwords today can certainly feel excessive - which tempts many users into ignoring these practices, to the detriment of their security. Fortunately, many large companies - like Google - are trying to make passwords easier to manage.

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It Seems Sony Can’t Get a Break from IT Issues

It’s the holiday season… for everyone but Sony, at least. The tech/entertainment supergiant has been experiencing a ton of security issues lately. Last month, someone hacked into Sony’s databases and stole a lot of information (including unreleased movies, which were later released to the world). This December, it was revealed that Sony stored their passwords in a folder on their server titled “Passwords.”

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Scam Claims to Have Compromising Video… of You

Scam Claims to Have Compromising Video… of You

Every business (and every individual, for that matter) needs to be wary of Internet scams and other online tricks. This is because those scammers are wily and have many means of finding a user in a compromising position… or so they claim in a recent scam.

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Data Security Must Be a Priority for Your Organization

Data Security Must Be a Priority for Your Organization

After 143 million people had their personal information put at risk in the Equifax data breach, it comes as no surprise that data security is an even hotter topic than usual. As much as you’d like to think that a breach like that would never happen to your business, this is an unrealistic hope that won’t do you any good if the threat of a data breach does come around. It is much better to be prepared.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Security Best Practices You Need to Implement Right Away

Tip of the Week: 4 Security Best Practices You Need to Implement Right Away

Cybersecurity for business contains many complexities that are often difficult to keep track of. If your organization takes a proactive approach to understanding and implementing cybersecurity best practices, you can dramatically increase the security of your organization’s network.

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Nearly 50% of Data Stolen in 2015 Were Passwords and Email Addresses

In 2015, there was an incredible amount of information stolen from organizations all over the world. From healthcare companies to government institutions, nobody was safe from the endless onslaught of hacking attacks. Now, in the wake of these hackers’ destruction, it seems that most of the incidents in question exposed passwords and email address; important credentials that put many users’ security in jeopardy.

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3 Ways to Augment Your Password Security Practices

Data breaches grow ever more common, especially in the professional sector. In the wake of high-profile hack attacks like those that targeted Sony and Home Depot, businesses are finding it more important than ever to invest heavily on security procedures and practices. However, one of the consistently forgotten aspects of security best practices is the password.

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Practical Biometric Passwords Infiltrate the US Military

Humans are always striving to create the next big security measure against the massive wave of online threats. One topic consistently in discussion is biometrics as a security measure, which take advantage of unique biological aspects of users in order to maximize security. Now, the US military is seeing the value of this kind of technology, and they’re funding a campaign to make it available to users.

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