Computerware Blog
Get Rid of Virtual Zombies Once and For All
Determining the source of a DDOS attack is virtually impossible and cannot be found with standard software security. DDOS attacks can only be stopped if they're caught while the attack is in progress. Computerware can determine if your computers are infected, and provide you with a hardware network security solution that will prevent future DDOS viruses.
If you suspect your computers are infected with a DDOS attack, or any virus, or even if your network is not performing as well as it used to, contact Computerware at (703) 821-8200 about receiving a free network audit. We can find and eliminate the zombie server problem and determine whatever else is causing your network to lag. While we are auditing your network, we will also take a look at your equipment and recommend upgrades that will improve the performance of your network.
Another benefit that comes from a network evaluation is that we are able to determine where found viruses originated from. For example, if an employee caused the infection by turning off their anti-virus software, thinking it would make their computer work faster, we would be able to find this out and provide you with a security solution that cannot be tampered with by your employees.
After we eliminate the DDOS virus from your network, you will be able to rest assured knowing that hackers can't control your computers to perform attacks on other companies. This tactic is also known as a zombie command and control because you will no longer control your servers, and it will appear like your servers are mindlessly attacking other organization's computers in the same way that a zombie hoard will mindlessly attack their victim.
Don't let the DDOS virus turn your servers into virtual zombies, give Computerware a call at (703) 821-8200 so we can inoculate your system!