Computerware Blog
What Would You Pay to Get Managed IT Care for Your Car?
It certainly would. As you know, every single piece of equipment needs to be maintained at some level. From smaller personal items like wrist watches, to large machines like cars; if you own it, it’s your responsibility to maintain it. For example, when’s the last time you replaced a watch battery? Or how about a car battery?
For the vast majority of equipment owned by consumers, the break-fix model of maintenance is utilized. This entails using the machinery until it breaks, and then making arrangements to get it fixed. The weakness of the break-fix model is that breakdowns can happen suddenly and repairs are expensive. The whole idea behind doing maintenance is that it prevents such costly breakdowns from occurring in the first place.
Obviously, maintenance is important and the best way to go about it is by taking preventive measures, which can be time-consuming. Therefore, it’s fair to ask, “How much time dedicated to maintenance is adequate to ensure that a piece of equipment doesn't break down?” Also, “How much additional maintenance must be performed in order to ensure maximum efficiency?”
More complex machinery will require more time spent on maintenance, and the more time that can be dedicated to maintaining equipment, the better it will perform. This is Computerware’s approach to outsourced IT, which is why we offer 24/7 monitoring and regularly scheduled remote maintenances.
This managed approach is revolutionizing the world of maintenance, causing many businesses to switch away from the traditional break-fix IT model. Clearly, this is the best way to approach maintenance. So why isn’t this preventive service available for other important pieces of equipment, likes cars? If your car received the kind of managed service that we provide for IT equipment, it would be the most reliable vehicle on the road.
Essentially, as soon as you pull into the garage, you would be greeted by an experienced team of mechanics that will go to work on your car. While you sleep, they would check tire pressure, fluid levels, and take care of small issues so they won’t turn into major problems, like a breakdown during rush hour. Sure, the sound of power tools might wake you at night, but owning a car in such great shape would be worth it.
Let’s extend this metaphor for when the car is in use. If a vehicle was equipped with the kind of 24/7 monitoring provided by Computerware, it would be uplinked to a mechanic’s computer so he could make remote fixes and adjustments to the car’s engine while you drive it. This would optimize fuel economy and performance. If your car received this kind of preventive maintenance service, you would never have to worry about it breaking down ever again. In the same way, when your employees come to work each morning, they will have access to working computers that are monitored for maximum efficiency and security.
As you can imagine, a dedicated car maintenance service like this would be incredibly expensive, likely costing way more than what the vehicle is worth. While this kind of preventive care would cost an obscene amount for a vehicle, we make it affordable for your company’s IT infrastructure.
How is this managed IT service so affordable? Remember those big break-fix repair bills that destroy budgets? By taking an active approach to maintenance, expensive breakdowns happen far less frequently. These savings are reflected in the affordable cost for our managed IT services. It’s easy to see why so many businesses are making the switch from break-fix to outsourced IT. To take advantage of this revolutionary approach to IT maintenance, give us a call at (703) 821-8200.