Computerware Blog
5 Mistakes to Avoid with Your IT Budget
Consider Your Long-Term Goals
While it’s definitely important to consider the short-term goals of your IT budget, it would be foolish if you didn’t start planning for long-term investments. It’s no mistake that organizations are continuously turning to services like cloud computing and Software as a Service-type investments. Businesses are turning their standard capital expenses into operational expenses because it’s cheaper and easier to manage than the heavy investment of up-front costs. It’s easier to scale and change in the event that something doesn’t go according to plan further down the road.
Invest in Your Staff’s Training
It’s one thing to have the latest IT solutions ready to use for your business, but another entirely for your staff to understand how to use them. Some businesses don’t invest in the training of their employees longer than they have to, and this is proving to be a big concern. If employees don’t know how to use your technology solutions, they will waste time that could be better spent elsewhere; or worse, they could be making mistakes that you need to fix somewhere down the line.
Consider Your Storage Options
Again, it’s important to consider the long-term ramifications of your business’s data storage techniques. Is there one centralized location for all of your data? If so, what would happen if you were to lose access to it? How do your employees access this information? Do they need continuous access to your business’s data, or only in-house? These are the questions you want to answer. Having a fool-proof backup and disaster recovery solution can help protect your data from being lost due to a freak disaster or hardware failure while cloud storage increases your employees’ access to the data and allows them to work remotely from any approved device.
Always Anticipate Hardware/Software Upgrades
Hardware failure can completely derail your IT budget if you don’t plan to accommodate it. Hardware and software complications are difficult to deal with if you don’t explicitly plan to resolve them as quickly as possible. Your budget should always have assets allocated toward mitigating and replacing technology that’s critical to the success of your business. Otherwise, you could be dealing with huge expenses that will, without a doubt, break your budget, and force you to come up with funds from elsewhere.
Use Outsourcing and Consulting Services When Possible
Outsourcing certain responsibilities of your IT management (or even all of it) can have a positive effect on your budget, time that could be spent managing and maintaining your technology would instead be devoted to managing your business and ensuring its efficient operation. You can enjoy the benefits of being a business owner without worrying about constantly managing your technology.
For more ways to improve the functionality and return on investment of your business’s technology, give us a call at (703) 821-8200.