Computerware Blog
4 Top-Tier Security Threats to Look Out For in 2015
According to Calyptix Security, here are four threats that are on-the-rise in the online hacking world, and how you can best react to these situations.
Phishing Emails Pose as Your IT Department
Who do you trust more with your credentials than your IT department? Hackers often impersonate legitimate organizations in an attempt to siphon personal information or login credentials from unsuspecting users. In a more recent trend, hackers are impersonating IT companies, attempting to coerce credentials out of users to “perform maintenance” or “resolve a critical issue.” If you ever suspect that your IT department is requesting information it doesn’t need, you should contact them through a different communication medium, like calling the official telephone number you have on record.
The Rise of Card-Not-Present (CNP) Fraud
That’s right; hackers can perform credit card fraud without needing access to your credit card. In fact, CNP fraud is a big deal that continues to grow more common. According to Verizon’s 2015 PCI compliance report, payment fraud due to stolen or lost cards is decreasing, while fraud stemming from CNP situations continues to increase.
As these statistics clearly show, there’s a shift in the way hackers obtain information. This shift in tactics likely represents an adaptation to the increased security protocol associated with credit cards.
VPNs Are a Target
While Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are secure ways to access your company’s information while on the go, some less-secure VPNs can be cracked by hackers with the right tools and skill sets. For instance, if a VPN uses passwords and usernames, but neglects two-factor authentication, a hacker might be able to break into it. It’s always recommended that you use two-factor authentication whenever possible, especially if you’re trying to access mission-critical data.
Retail and Financial Establishments Are Big Targets
Last year, there were many high-profile attacks targeting large enterprises like Target and Home Depot. Naturally, this trend will grow in scope in 2015. As a matter of fact, the IRS was targeted recently in an attack which resulted in hackers obtaining the tax information of over 100,000 taxpayers. Any businesses that utilize a Point of Sale (POS) system, like cash registers and card readers, need to be sure that their security is top of the line. Otherwise, your organization will be held liable for any and all data theft.
2015 might only be halfway over, but it’s never too late to integrate the latest security features into your network’s infrastructure. Give Computerware a call today at (703) 821-8200 to find out what we can do for your business.