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Computerware Blog

Computerware has been serving the Vienna area since 1976, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

We Weigh in on the On-Site Backup vs. Cloud-Based Backup Debate

We Weigh in on the On-Site Backup vs. Cloud-Based Backup Debate

It’s no secret that data backup is an important part of any IT strategy for small and medium-sized businesses. Backup and disaster recovery makes all the difference in keeping your business afloat in the event of a data loss incident. However, there’s still some debate over what the best approach is. According to a recent survey, it seems that many businesses find that both in-house and cloud-based backup solutions are needed in order to guarantee business continuity.

The survey, conducted by research firm Clutch, claims that 46 percent of respondents feel that on-site backup is just as important as cloud-based backup. 42 percent actually claim that they prefer on-site backups, and only a paltry 11 percent feel that on-site backup is less important than a cloud-based solution. This survey asked 500 employers with the intent of discovering which type of disaster recovery solution they preferred to use.

Of course, it’s also true that you don’t want to store your data backups exclusively on-site. Doing so could prove to be a dangerous gambit, but that doesn’t mean that on-site backup doesn’t have its advantages. It’s helpful if your cloud-based backup is unavailable for some reason, or if it’s corrupted. It’s important to remember that the more locations you have for your data backups, the better, as it helps you ensure that your data is available (and working) and can be restored in the event of a disaster.

We recommend that your business apply this knowledge in the form of a compound backup and disaster recovery solution, which can take multiple backups of your data every day, and transport them to multiple locations for safe, compliant storage. We have a Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution that’s designed to offer you only the most dynamic of data backup solutions, so that you can keep your business running smoothly even in the darkest of times.

With our BDR solution, you can take backups of your data as often as every fifteen minutes. This can dramatically cut down on the data that’s lost in the event of a disaster incident. These backups can be taken automatically to eliminate the potential for user error. The backups are then sent to multiple locations, which can include on-site, the cloud, and a secure, off-site data center.

One of the most valuable assets that you can reap from a BDR solution is the ability to restore your backups directly from the cloud, right to the BDR device. It can then act as a temporary server unit until you have a solid plan to replace the hardware that you previously had. This affords you valuable time that would be lost due to inoperable hardware, and considering how wasteful downtime is, you’ll be glad that your budget won’t have to suffer from it.

To learn more, reach out to us at (703) 821-8200.

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Beyond Data Backup: Why You also Need Disaster Recovery

Beyond Data Backup: Why You also Need Disaster Recovery

The search for the perfect way to handle a data loss disaster has led many businesses to implement data backup and disaster recovery solutions, but the most challenging part of doing so is finding a solution that can minimize data loss and recovery time. Furthermore, there’s a specific need to understand the difference between data backup and disaster recovery, as the two are certainly not the same thing.

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Can Your Data Backup Solution Stand Up to These 3 Common Threats?

Can Your Data Backup Solution Stand Up to These 3 Common Threats?

These days, businesses practically expect disaster. With so many high-profile hacking attacks in the news, people are paranoid and fear for their data. Yet, even more businesses don’t fear enough, which can lead to unexpected data loss from hackers, natural disasters, and even user error. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your organization is prepared to handle disasters of all kinds.

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Tip of the Week: 2 Crucial Qualities Every Data Backup Solution Must Have

Business owners have many important decisions they must make pertaining to the continuation of their organization. Securing their company’s data may come off as yet another item on a to-do list, but, due to the critical role data plays in the day-to-day operations, this task should be a high priority for every modern business. Raising awareness of this critical issue is precisely why March 31st is World Backup Day!

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Here’s Why Backing Up Your Data With Tape is Highly Inefficient

One of the most important technologies for any business is their data backup solution. Most companies cannot survive without their data. Is your data protected in the event of a disaster? How is your organization approaching this critical IT operation?

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Why Image-Based Backup is Your Best Data Backup Option

Your business’s data backup solution is an absolutely integral part of your day-to-day operations, and as such, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you’re regularly taking backups of your data. By far, the most efficient way of doing so is through the utilization of image-based backup. Image-based backup works like how we use cameras and smartphones to capture moments in time, effectively making a record of your data at any given moment.

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4 Ways to Avoid a Data Catastrophe When Planning Your Disaster Recovery

When was the last time you put some serious thought into your data backup and disaster recovery strategy? Can your business handle a sudden loss of data, and if so, how long would it take your organization to recover and get back in the swing of things? While there are several ways you can approach the concept of data backup, only one of them will be the best choice for your business. So, how do you go about making such an important decision?

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Recover from a Data Breach Before It’s Too Late

When was the last time you honestly thought about your data backup and disaster recovery solution? You might only be taking a minimalist approach due to a limited budget. It’s not that you don’t think powerful data backup and recovery solutions are valuable. If anything, you might feel that your business isn’t a big enough target to be considered by hackers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how big the target; hackers are hungry for whatever they can get, including your data.

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Backing Up Your Data Keeps Your Technology In Tip-Top Shape

For eons, the human species has sought to improve efficiency through the integration of new innovative technologies. We always push toward the bright new future, a garden filled with shimmering hardware and the sweet, sweet smell of silicon. Everything is running smoothly, just like music, until you hear a note that doesn’t belong. Instead of a chorus of heavenly angels serenading you as you open the door to your server room, you hear the sound of failure; hardware failure, to be specific; and it’s not pretty.

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World Backup Day is Upon Us: How Do You Backup Your Data?

A quick scan of the past year’s headlines will show that a data-loss scenario resulting from a hack can unexpectedly hit any business, big or small. Your company needs to have a data backup solution in place, and it’s imperative that backups are taken regularly. Has it been awhile since you last backed up your data?

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4 Scenarios Where Data Backup Can Save Your Business

An issue like data loss can be devastating if you’re not prepared to face it. Sometimes businesses don’t realize how important a data backup and recovery solution is until it’s too late, and a hazard has brought your company’s infrastructure to its knees. Something else businesses don’t take into account is that proactive solutions can help your company avoid dangerous situations like this.

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Tip of the Week: How to Troubleshoot A Failed Backup

When a disaster strikes, you should be able to recover quickly and efficiently with minimal downtime. Unfortunately, for some businesses, things don’t work out quite so smoothly. If your backup doesn’t process correctly, you might be in a bind when it comes time to restore operations from your backed-up data. How does one go about troubleshooting a failed backup?

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You Can Lose Your Data as Easily as You Can Forget a “Eureka!” Moment

Do you get some of your best ideas somewhere other than at your desk? Ever get a brilliant game-changing idea while walking the dog, driving home from work, when out at a restaurant, or even in the shower? If you do, then you’ve experienced the frustration of forgetting your life-changing idea before you get a chance to write it down.

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3 Security Factors to Look for In Your Business’s Network

A business is always at risk of being destroyed, be it online or offline. According to a study by 1&1, 67 percent of people confirmed that someone they know has had information stolen from them while online. In order to prevent your business from joining this statistic, there are several features you should look for when considering your network’s security.

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4 Ways to Prevent Mobile Device Memory Shortage

If you’re a heavy tech user, then eventually, your photos, apps, and videos will take up all the space on your mobile device’s hard drive, making it impossible to add anything new. Plus, Murphy’s Law states that this will happen at the worst possible time, like while you’re recording your kid’s recital. Follow these four tips and don’t get stuck with a lack of space.

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Blast from the Past: Prepare for Solar Flares

In 1859, before global violence and warfare of the Twentieth century wrought havoc around the world, another pseudo-apocalyptic event took place in the form of a colossal solar storm. This solar storm, known as the Carrington Event, is the largest flare recorded to date. Did you know that there’s a chance that our planet could be struck by a solar flare of this magnitude again in the near future, and that its results could spell the end for society as we know it?

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Objection: Data Backup is Not the Same As Disaster Recovery

A thorough data backup is important for your business continuity plan, and so is a fast and efficient disaster recovery solution. What's that? Aren't those the same thing? Unfortunately, the two concepts are far from the same thing, but many business owners are still under the impression that their data backup is also a disaster recovery solution.

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There's No Point in Backing Up Your Data if You Don't Test Your Backup

Owning and running a business means that you have to be good at making and implementing plans. Every business owner has this skill, but there's one aspect of planning that often gets overlooked--testing. It's easy to skip testing because of the amount of time it takes, but it's necessary to ensure success. The clearest picture of this is with data recovery.

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Managed IT Services: The Perfect Gift for Business Dad!

Do you know what to get Dad this Father's Day to show him that you appreciate all that he's done for you? If he's a business owner, we have the perfect gift for him!

That's right - Computerware's managed IT services! We don't mean buy them outright for him, but by suggesting our services to him, you can give him the greatest gift of all: peace of mind and a whole lot more cash in his pocket. Here are four good reasons to outsource Dad's IT services.

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Y2K – How Catastrophe Was Avoided

It's been fifteen years since the Y2K incident had the world embroiled in panic. It was said that at the turn of the century, on New Year's Eve, all computers in the world would reset their dates to 1900 rather than 2000, as the way data was stored would only allow for two-decimal digits. Therefore, 1970 would be stored as "70". Many programs weren't able to recognize the difference between 1900 and 2000, and some would try to represent the year 2000 as 19100, which could have led to complete failure of data and incorrect results, as well as the collapse of a crucial technological infrastructure. Obviously, none of this happened, and New Year's Eve passed without the collapse of human society as we know it, but do you know why it didn't happen?

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Computerware is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...

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